Let’s talk inside-out-inside — NOW!

Sakshi Sharma
2 min readOct 15, 2020

Do you know what I can create?

Magic. Mystery. Love. Happiness. Peace

Sometimes, all. Together.

In the now.

Because this moment is everything it holds. I sometimes hesitate to create because a voice echoes through me with this thought — “You don’t know enough”, then the other thought slides — “Yes, I don’t know. I need to seek more and then create!”

What is ‘then’?

When everything is in ‘now’. This moment.

In you resides all the mysteries and magic of the world and beyond, for you have lived a thousand years and more, and this time, this moment is only adding to it.

Just see. Listen. Be.

Yes, it all resides in you. Deep. How can you create when you ‘think’ you don’t know? ‘Seeking’ is natural.

But, isn’t what you seek is inside you? Waiting to unfold. Waiting to emerge. Like a light bouncing to hit the surface and then dispersing like the twinkles of those particles, glimmering like never before. Each pattern different. Scattered. Different, like tiny confetti sparking its own light. Seems misaligned but aligned in another dimension. Just, imagine!

Your being is that particle. A particle is so profound but bound, by your ‘own’ thought. Which prompts you to justify all this with, “It doesn’t make sense!”

What is a sense? Let’s ponder. Let’s wonder.

Is it what I say? Is it what you say? Or I say, you say and we both discover from our own treasures residing within us, together. Letting it out like a shore, in a flow.. going forward, backward by listening. Patiently. Deeply. Not losing focus. Just being present and letting the other pour — their depths of treasures and heartful melody. In those moments of words spoken, sighs, and unthought gestures of expression. A feeling sparks and ignites, incomprehensible by mere thought. At that moment. ‘It’ emerges. You didn’t know you knew, you never thought it would occur but it did. Do you see it?


Let’s talk, my friend.

Let’s listen, my friend.

Let’s loosen the hesitance that leads to an end.

For every end is a new beginning.

Let’s begin, again.

Let’s talk, my friend! NOW! :)

