Universe whispers, are you present?

Sakshi Sharma
2 min readAug 24, 2022

I am happy that I know what to do next.

It wasn’t so easy in the beginning as they said

I was confused. Anxious. Sad. Sometimes.

But I knew that I will somehow know inside

Universe has a strange way to manifest our deepest prayers

You just have to remain silent and all ears

It ain’t easy as they said

It was and is complex indeed

Work in this field

Because Humans are complex beings

Wish it were simpler

To connect, listen, and support one another without fear

Who created this complexity in the first place? I wonder.

You. I. And everyone before us.

Can it be made simpler? Can life be simple? I wonder

It might. When you and I. Change the system and culture.

It is easy to say and difficult to do.

Just words won’t matter. But as a matter of fact, they do. Words matter, too with focused action; rooted in compassion and care.

Courage as they say isn’t always easy to manifest.

But we all have it in us. Regardless.

The Universe whispered. One day. Randomly.

Look within and do what you can. Let me handle it, trust me if you can.

For the simplicity you seek is in you. I am just here to send a reminder and whisper in that direction. You choose.

Courage. Compassion. Wisdom.

Might be the answer to our quest. Is this simple? Looking within yourself.

Because Universe whispers, are you present?

